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Analysis of the reasons for the small growth of small medical device manufacturers


In the production process of domestic medical device manufacturers, three types of developed enterprises are typical: one is the transformation of state-owned enterprises; the second is the enterprise that imitates overseas products; the third is the division of the company, and most of the self-supported state-owned enterprises are transformed. Large companies and companies that imitate overseas products are split, and self-supporting companies are generally small in scale and cannot grow for a long time! Why?

  A long-term follow-up study and analysis of national medical device manufacturers; the main reasons are as follows:

  1. The products are low-end and homogenization is serious; many companies in the Pearl River Delta are "united" around Mindray, producing products such as guardianship like Mindray, and the output value has been around several million or ten million for many years. Wandering, and Mindray has already reached tens of billions!

   According to statistics, there are more than 200 domestic companies producing guardianship products, and there are dozens of them in the Pearl River Delta! Low-end products are seriously homogenized!

  2. Without the concept of service, the product will become an "orphan" when sold. Product repair rate is high, some products reach 100% repair rate, and the service cannot be timely; the installation is less than 20 days, and there are 6 failures, and the hospital requires a new machine After waiting for a full month and a half, the hospital vowed not to buy domestic products again!

  3. Lack of corporate management, lagging marketing, and no market concept! The market concept still stays in the 1980s, "Desperately find a good provincial representative, the company's products will not worry about selling". A medical device manufacturer in the Pearl River Delta has been conducted for 6 Years of tracking research found that this company's marketing boss has been asking its subordinate marketing staff to desperately find the provincial general agent for 6 years to suppress the goods! The bidding is to fight for the price, sell at the cost price... instead of going to the terminal market-- -Hospitals. Enterprises have been hovering between 3 million and 4 million for many years!

  How can such a small medical device manufacturer grow?

  First of all: Small medical device manufacturers mainly have a good market concept, establish a professional marketing team, and make the market bigger, stronger and more specialized. Customers who are not your products do not buy! Don't agents find manufacturers? The price is still cost price Does the market wait for no one, domestic business owners should reflect, learn foreign market concepts, manage the market, and manage the enterprise; speed up products and increase market share. As a modern business manager, remember the tragedy of Farewell My Concubine!

  Secondly, improve product quality and reduce the rate of anti-repair; strengthen service awareness, improve corporate service speed, 8-hour response, 24-hour response, and 72-hour oral commitment to solve customer problems become a reality!

  The most important thing is to stay close to the market, increase and accelerate product research and development, have competitive products with its own intellectual property rights, increase the technological content of products, and increase the added value of products to serve the Chinese people!


Beijing Kelian Shenghua Medical Technology Co., Ltd   京ICP备05070151号    互联网药品信息服务资格证书号:(京)-非经营性-2017-0043