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Beijing Science and Technology Union Sublimation Co., LTD was founded. Cooperating with Beijing Medical University (now Peking University Health Science Center), it took the lead in developing and producing disposable infusion pumps in China, which created the history of disposable infusion pump industry in China.


"Sublimation" brand series products obtained the national patent


it was the first company in China to obtain the registration certificate of medical devices from the State Medical Products Administration


the first batch of Medical device Manufacturing Enterprise License was obtained and the new production plant was built according to GMP standards. The hardware facilities once again took the lead in the industry


"Sublimation" trademark registered successfully.


The first National Dealer Conference was successfully held in Beijing.

The company is the first one in the industry to pass ISO9001:2000 and YY/T0287 Special Requirements for Medical Devices quality system certification.

The company has obtained the certificate of Zhongguancun High-tech Enterprise.


the second National dealer Conference was held in Chengdu.


The third National distributor Conference was held in Guilin

"Sublimate" the whole series of products through the EU CE certification.


"Propofol special pump" successful market

The company destroyed 3 million yuan worth of products with hidden quality risks.


The fourth National Dealer Conference was held in Beijing.

The first supplier meeting of "Sublimation" was held in Beijing.


The fifth National Dealer Conference was held in Beijing.


the company was elected as a council member of China Medical Device Industry Association and a member of China Pharmaceutical Industry Association.

The company's living area was officially opened, and the purchase of the marketing center was completed.


The sixth dealer conference was held in Beijing.

The company has passed the medical device manufacturing quality management practice (GMP) inspection.


Obtained the National high-tech Enterprise certificate.


The 7th Dealer Conference 2016 was held in Beijing.


The production base will be relocated to Minjingpu Enterprise Park, Shunyi, and the company headquarters will be relocated.


The 8th Dealer Conference 2018 was held in Beijing.

The quality management system has been upgraded comprehensively.


we cooperated with Dalian Women's Hospital to establish a clinical base for painless childbirth.

The company implements flat management.

Beijing Kelian Shenghua Medical Technology Co., Ltd   京ICP备05070151号    互联网药品信息服务资格证书号:(京)-非经营性-2017-0043