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The 5th National High-risk Obstetric Anesthesia and Labor Analgesia Class

    The fifth national high-risk obstetric anesthesia and childbirth analgesia study class 2011-6-10 is to promote academic exchanges in obstetric anesthesia

 The fifth national high-risk obstetric anesthesia and childbirth analgesia study class 2011-6-10 is to promote academic exchanges in obstetric anesthesia, promote new concepts, new theories and new technologies in obstetric anesthesia, and further improve the level of clinical application of obstetric anesthesia as a Chinese medicine One of the series of academic activities of the Obstetric Anesthesiology Group of the Society of Anesthesiology Branch, sponsored by the Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Capital Medical University, and the National Continuing Education Project of Dalian Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, co-organized by the National Continuing Education Project Number: 2011-04-11-001 (National)] The 5th National High-Risk Obstetric Anesthesia and Labor Analgesia Class was held on August 12-16, 2011 in the beautiful coastal city of Dalian.

  This class will continue to adhere to the tenet of previous classes, focusing on solving practical problems encountered in interdisciplinary and obstetrical anesthesia and childbirth analgesia clinical and scientific research, and will adopt a combination of teaching and demonstration methods to introduce obstetrics and gynecology. The latest development of anesthesia and labor analgesia. Lectures for Chinese and foreign speakers from August 13th to 14th. From August 15th to 16th, 2011, the clinical demonstration of obstetrics and gynecology anesthesia and childbirth analgesia will be held. Please come to the meeting from the national anesthesiologists and obstetrics and gynecology departments.

  This class will record 10 credits for National Class I continuing education.

  1. Study class time: All day registration on August 12, 2011, Grand Mercure Teda Dalian. Lectures will be held from August 13th to August 14th, and various obstetrics and gynecology surgical anesthesia and labor analgesia will be demonstrated from August 15th to 16th.

  2. Registration method and conference affairs consultation

  Mailing address: Department of Anesthesiology, Dalian Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, No. 1 Dunhuang Road, Shahekou District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, 116033

  Contact: Yan Hong

  Phone and SMS registration: 15541119186

  E-mail registration:

  Dingxiangyuan Online Registration

  3. Class fees: Welcome to register in advance. Before August 10, 2011, pay 800 yuan/person for training fee and 1,000 yuan/person for on-site training (after the meeting, an additional 200 yuan/person will be charged), including representative card, Thesis compilation, class Ⅰ credit certificate, self-care of board and lodging, unified arrangement. As the conference is in the peak tourist season in Dalian, the hotel rooms are particularly tight, please register in advance as far as possible!! Otherwise, the room price is high and cannot be guaranteed.

  Remittance Address: Account Name: Dalian TEDA Investment Co., Ltd. Grand Mercure Teda Hotel

  开户行:交通银行大连民兴支行 账号:212060190018170058508


  4、 学术咨询:首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院麻醉科 王一男



  5. 学习班地点:大连市中山区中南路205号大连泰达美爵酒店


  6. 乘车路线:火车站下车乘30路、703路汽车兴隆屯下车


  7. 返程票:需要预定返程机票或车票的学员,可在报到后直接在酒店办理。

  主办: 首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院


  协办: 大连市妇产医院

  授 课 内 容

  麻醉进步与无痛和舒适化医疗 于布为

  2010心肺复苏指南解读 姚尚龙

  妇产科麻醉风险防范与质控 王保国

  妇产科领域日间手术的技术与管理规范 李天佐

  可视化技术在妇产科麻醉中的应用 左云霞

  妇产专科医院成立ICU的若干问题 苏 跃

  Local Anesthetics in Obstetrics

  (局麻药在产科的应用) BEILIN

  腰-硬联合麻醉的利与弊 熊君宇

  妇产科手术应用腰-硬联合麻醉并发症的调查与分析 黄海凝

  分娩镇痛对母儿的远期影响 王东信

  分娩镇痛中的产程管理 林文欣

  孕期非产科手术的麻醉处理 孟凌新

  高危妊娠剖宫产的麻醉处理 李晓光

  分娩与神经损伤 车向明

  剖宫产手术中血管活性药物的应用策略 徐铭军

  分娩镇痛的临床实施与管理(附四万例体会) 黄东林

  The clinical study of continuous spinal anesthesia with sufentanil for labor analgesia(舒芬太尼连续蛛网膜下腔阻滞用于分娩镇痛的临床研究) 张 宁

  The New Techniques Of Patient Controlled Epidural Analgesia for Labour

  (病人自控分娩镇痛的新技术介绍) SNG BAN LEONG

  Labor Analgesia: Don"t Make a Friend a Foe

  (分娩镇痛,不要变利为害) WEITO TAO

  Obstetrics and Anesthesia: Working Together to Benefit Women

  (产科和麻醉共同进步,为了产妇利益 ) CAUGHEY

  The Problems and strategies about labor analgesia in China

  (中国分娩镇痛的现状和策略) 徐铭军



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