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Medical devices will maintain a trend of rapid growth in the next 10 years

   Recently, the Pharmaceutical Industry Chamber of Commerce of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce established a medical device professional committee and released the "2012 Medical Device Industry Analysis Report.

 Recently, the Pharmaceutical Industry Chamber of Commerce of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce established a medical device professional committee and released the "2012 Medical Device Industry Analysis Report". The "Report" shows that the dependence on imports of some domestic high-end medical equipment markets has slowly declined last year, and the competitiveness of domestic medical device companies in the field of high-end products is strengthening. According to the "Report", in the first half of 2012, China’s medical device industry achieved a total sales revenue of 68.7 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 20.27%. In the future, due to policy support, demographic structure and consumption upgrades and other factors, it is predicted that China’s medical devices will be in the future 5- 10 years will continue to maintain rapid growth, the industry as a whole will still maintain a growth rate of more than 20%. Among them, the association expects that the industrial structure will further tilt towards high-end medical device products. According to the "Report" statistics, although the number of medical device companies across the country has reached more than 14,000, the competition pattern of the medical device industry is relatively scattered, and the industry concentration is low. More than 80% of them are small and medium enterprises, and the enterprises are generally small in scale. , There are problems such as insufficient R&D investment and weak technical capabilities. “Although there are a large number of companies, such companies have fierce competition and low profitability, so they can only produce low-end products or provide spare parts for foreign companies.” The person in charge of the association said that the current medical device market, low-end Products accounted for 65%-70%, far higher than the global level of 45%.

Beijing Kelian Shenghua Medical Technology Co., Ltd   京ICP备05070151号    互联网药品信息服务资格证书号:(京)-非经营性-2017-0043