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National continuing medical education project

   National continuing medical education project "Standardized Implementation of Labor Analgesia and Management Study Class of Critical Care Obstetrics"

National continuing medical education project

"Standardized Implementation of Labor Analgesia and Management Study Class of Critical Care Obstetrics"


The National Continuing Medical Education Project [Project Number: 2016-04-11-119 (Country)] The national continuing medical education project sponsored by Dalian Maternal and Child Health Hospital and Dalian Maternity Hospital Affiliated to Dalian Medical University will be held on August 13, 2016- It was held on the 15th in the beautiful coastal city of Dalian.

In recent years, the number of deliveries in our hospital has increased year by year, with more than 10,000 cases per year. The rate of labor analgesia is more than 70%, and the rate of cesarean section is about 35%. In the past years, it has accumulated a large number of case data and rich clinical experience. In order to understand the latest development of obstetric anesthesia and exchange the treatment methods of various obstetric critical and difficult diseases and related issues in the management of analgesia during labor, we will invite famous professors in Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Changchun and the province as well as clinical first-line medical staff in our hospital The staff teaches, welcome all the obstetricians, midwives, and anesthesiologists from all over the country to come to the meeting to discuss and exchange together. At that time, we will also arrange observation and study as needed.


On August 12, 2016, check in at the Dalian Electric Power Industry School Hotel for the whole day, give lectures in the Dalian Electric Power Industry School Hotel Conference Hall from August 13th to 14th, and observe on August 15 (cost 100/person). The accommodation will be arranged in Dalian. Electric power industry school hotel, hotel telephone: 0411-84793480, self-catering.

The conference fee is 600 yuan/person and 500 yuan/person before August 1.

contact address:

Department of Anesthesiology, Dalian Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, No. 1 Dunhuang, Shahekou District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, Zip Code: 116033.

contact information:

Hou Xianjia: 18098857055

Shanni Zhang: 18098857901

Jin Shengyu: 18098857075

Beijing Kelian Shenghua Medical Technology Co., Ltd   京ICP备05070151号    互联网药品信息服务资格证书号:(京)-非经营性-2017-0043