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Deepening the Standardization Construction Level of Enterprises and Promoting the Implementation of Safety Production Main Responsibilities by Enterprises - Record of the Company's Participation in th


On May 20, 2015, the Shijingshan District Food and Drug Administration held the "2015 Shijingshan District Food and Drug Safety Production Work Conference". The company leaders attach great importance to it, and Chairman Li Lihui personally led Vice General Manager Peng Jian and Administrative Manager Wang Li to participate in this work meeting.



Chairman Li Lihui had a pleasant conversation with the two directors before the meeting

The conference was presided over by Yang Ling, Deputy Director of the Shijingshan District Food and Drug Administration. Han Congbi, Director of the Shijingshan District Safety Supervision Bureau, and Gao Deyou, Director of the Shijingshan District Food and Drug Administration, attended the conference and delivered speeches. Firstly, Director Gao Deyou summarized the standardization work of food and drug safety production in Shijingshan District in 2014 and deployed the tasks for 2015. Han Congbi, the director of the Safety Supervision Bureau, made a speech at the meeting, putting forward higher requirements for safety production management. Through actual cases, he listed real survey data to illustrate the importance of safety management, told the "concept that safety responsibility is more important than Taishan", further emphasized that enterprise safety is an untouchable red line, and the "Safety Laws and Regulations" is the bottom line that must be observed, and proposed that the heads of enterprises must pay close attention to safety production work, Ensure the safety of enterprises and maintain the true goal of "adhering to the red line, putting people first, and developing safely" for enterprises in the Shijingshan area.


Han Congbi, Director of the Safety Supervision Bureau, and Gao Deyou, Director of the Shijingshan District Food and Drug Bureau, attended and delivered speeches at the 2015 Shijingshan District Food and Drug Safety Production Work Conference

Yang Ling, Deputy Director of the Food and Drug Administration, presided over the meeting

As one of the first batch of enterprises in Shijingshan District to be approved to meet the "Production Safety Standardization" standard, Ke Lian Shenghua signed the "Enterprise Safety Production Responsibility Letter" with Chairman Li Lihui as a representative of the enterprise in the jurisdiction and Director Gao Deyou of Shijingshan District Food and Drug Bureau during the meeting. At the same time, they also realized that the responsibility is significant and there is a long way to go. We need to continue to deepen the enterprise safety system and create a model enterprise in the jurisdiction, We must keep safety production work in mind, carry it on our shoulders, and grasp it in our hands.


Chairman Li Lihui, as a representative of a jurisdictional enterprise, and Chairman Gao Li Lihui receive medals and certificates

Director Deyou signs a safety production responsibility letter

The leaders who participated in this meeting next awarded on-site licenses, certificates, and commendations to the first seven enterprises that passed the "Safety Production Standardization". Through this work conference platform, the company has further improved its visibility and reputation in Shijingshan District.


Beijing Kelian Shenghua Medical Technology Co., Ltd   京ICP备05070151号    互联网药品信息服务资格证书号:(京)-非经营性-2017-0043