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Working together and developing together, seeking truth and being pragmatic

   Beijing Kelian Shenghua Applied Technology Research Institute 2015 annual staff meeting was held

 Beijing Kelian Shenghua Applied Technology Research Institute 2015 annual staff meeting was held   

On March 12, 2016, magpies sang spring music on the branches, and the willows danced with the breeze. This is Beijing in early spring. This day is warm and warm. In the multi-function hall of Beijing C&T Institute of Applied Technology, cheerful music is being played. This day is a day for all Shenghua people to gather together. The 2015 Staff Conference is being held here.    The chairman of the company, Mr. Li Lihui, delivered a speech for the conference. His profound and inspiring words infected the audience. He not only led all employees to review the challenging 2015 in the past, but also deployed the company's overall plan for the coming year. The chairman's speech inspires and encourages each of us in sublimation to contribute to the company's future development. The development of the company is inseparable from the foresight and correct strategic deployment of the leadership, as well as the unity and hard work of the employees. As the chairman mentioned in his speech, because of the hard work of a large number of outstanding talents, With the hard work of excellent teams, we have sublimated today. In order to create a positive atmosphere for everyone to strive for excellence and to inherit the pragmatic and innovative entrepreneurial spirit of Shenghua people, the company's staff meeting specially commended the employees and teams who have made outstanding contributions this year. In the 2015 commendation awards, in addition to the previous "Excellent Employee", "Employee Star" and "Internal Quality Feedback" awards, the "Excellent Team" award was added to recognize those who have made outstanding contributions to the company's development. Team, the winner of this year’s Excellent Team Award is all colleagues in the R&D Department. This spirit of striving for excellence and pioneering will inspire everyone in Shenghua to unite and forge ahead on the road of development.   Finally, the 2015 Staff Meeting of Beijing C&L Shenghua ended successfully in a group photo.

Jiang Yuchuan, the award-winning representative of the outstanding team, delivered an award speech


Excellent employee Wang Jingjun delivered speech

  Outstanding employee Xu Wen delivered acceptance speech

 Outstanding employee Wang Yunhua delivered a speech

Employee Star Award Representative Luo Lei delivered a speech

 Zhao Wei, the winner of the Internal Quality Feedback Award, delivered a speech

 Group photo of outstanding employees and award-winning employees

 Group photo of Employee Star award-winning employees and awarding leaders

Group photo of internal quality feedback award winning employees and awarding leaders


Beijing Kelian Shenghua Medical Technology Co., Ltd   京ICP备05070151号    互联网药品信息服务资格证书号:(京)-非经营性-2017-0043