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Anesthesia Academic Exchange Conference of Six Provinces (Regions) in Central and South China and the 2016 Annual Academic Conference of Anesthesiology Branch of Guangxi Medical Association

   On July 22-23, 2016, the 2016 Tianjin Anesthesia Academic Annual Meeting and the neurosurgery Group Meeting of the Anesthesiology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association were held in the beautiful Tianjin Guanghegu (Tianmu) Hot Spring Resort Hotel.


On July 22-23, 2016, the 2016 Tianjin Anesthesia Academic Annual Meeting and the neurosurgery Group Meeting of the Anesthesiology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association were held in the beautiful Tianjin Guanghegu (Tianmu) Hot Spring Resort Hotel.

The conference was chaired by Yu Yonghao, the chairman of the Anesthesiology Branch of Tianjin Medical Association, and Professor Wang Guolin, the vice president of Tianjin Medical University General Hospital and the chairman of the Anesthesiology Branch of Tianjin Medical Association, delivered a work report for 2016. The conference also invited Professor Li Tianzuo, the Chairman of the Anesthesiology Branch of the Beijing Medical Association, and Professor Mi Weidong, the President designate of the Anesthesiology Branch of the National Medical Association, to give special lectures. This conference consists of six sub venues, with nearly 500 anesthesiologists participating. The academic atmosphere was strong, and experts gave speeches on a wide range of topics, which were close to the grassroots level. Famous experts had good communication with the attending representatives.

Beijing Science and Technology Union Sublimation fully participated in and sponsored this conference. The exclusivepatented product "intraoperative anesthesia pump" and meticulously crafted small gifts have attractd a lot of popularity for our booth. Batch after batch of new and old users gathered at the "Sublimation" booth and praised the company's exclusive patented product "intraoperative anesthesia pump".

Through this conference, we have once again strengthened the communication between "sublimation" and the anesthesia industry in Tianjin, and also strengthened our confidence in adhering to the principle of "growing together with China's anesthesia industry". "Sublimation" will continue to maintain product quality and continuously improve product types

On July 1-3, 2016, the Annual Meeting of Anesthesiologists of Shanxi Medical Association was successfully held at the Pan China Jinglun Hotel in Xinzhou, Shanxi!

Former Professor Dajiang from the Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University presided over the opening ceremony. Speech by President Li Junfeng of Shanxi Medical Association! Professor Guo Zheng, President of the Shanxi Anesthesiologists Association at the Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, delivered a speech and delivered a 2015 work report!

This meeting also invited Professor Zhao Jing from Beijing Union Medical College Hospital! Professor Wang Weiying from Shanghai Huashan Hospital! Professor Guo Zheng and Professor Chen Li from the Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University! Professor Zhang Qingong, Director of the Anesthesia Department of Shanxi Cancer Hospital and Chairman of the Shanxi Anesthesia Society! Professor Liu Baojiang and Professor Cao Dingrui from Shanxi Medical University First Hospital! Professor Han Chongfang, Director of the Anesthesiology Department of Shanxi University Hospital! Professor Guo Yongqing, Director of the Anesthesiology Department of Shanxi Provincial People's Hospital, and other well-known domestic experts gave lectures. More than 400 representatives attended this academic conference, with a strong atmosphere of academic discussion and a packed venue!

Beijing Kelian Shenghua was invited to participate in this conference with the exclusive patented product "intraoperative anesthesia pump". Sublimation has also become the most popular booth, and company attendees have had friendly exchanges with new and old customers. Customers have reported that the "anesthesia pump for sublimation surgery" is convenient to use and has stable quality. Among them, the "propofol dedicated pump", "muscle relaxant dedicated pump", and "delivery pain relief dedicated pump" are customized for anesthesia doctors and have received unanimous praise from attending expert representatives.

Through this conference, the friendship between "Shenghua" and the anesthesiologists in Shanxi Province was once again strengthened. The attending materials were even exhausted, and representatives left contact information to express their willingness to cooperate with Shenghua. "Shenghua" will continue to support the development of anesthesia in China. EU standards! The quality of the capital! Provide high-quality products and services for anesthesiologists.

Number, improve service quality, and persist in being a good assistant to Chinese anesthesiologists.





Beijing Kelian Shenghua Medical Technology Co., Ltd   京ICP备05070151号    互联网药品信息服务资格证书号:(京)-非经营性-2017-0043